It was a great 2015 at fastsms : Review and highlights
Wow, what a year! While it’s hard to believe it’s over, 2015 turned out to be one of our best. It was so good, I thought it was worth reliving it once again before we head into 2016. Here are the highlights for Fastsms that make us puff out our chests and tear up with pride (I guess maybe we’re just sentimental this time of year!).
Getting noticed
We won an award! In September we were chosen as the Best SMS Messaging Platform – UK and Best for SMS Text Messaging Technology – UK by Corporate Vision Magazine. Needless to say we were over the moon about it. During the last 12 months the team at fastsms has worked hard to develop and support the technology behind our service. Getting noticed for all that effort does wonders for morale.
2015 also marks the first full year we’ve been using Feefo to gather independent feedback on our services and support. Over the course of the year our rating never dropped below 96% and currently is 98%. Our goal, of course, is to have everyone satisfied, so even if we reach 100% we won’t sit back on our laurels. We’ll keep working hard to make sure everyone is satisfied and we’re there to solve any problems that might occur.
We also recognised and celebrated our Customer Services Manager Aimee Ward who had her 10 year anniversary with us in October. She is well known and liked by all our customers, and by us of course! We wouldn’t be able to have good years like this past one without her support and dedication.
New and expanded features
There were lots of changes and improvements to our services over the course of the year too. Our own shortcode (87007) went live which provides our customers amazing opportunities when it comes to using keywords with shortcodes.
Because we use our own shortcode, there is less competition for “good” keywords. Many SMS providers share their code with many different providers so they don’t have the ability to offer as many keywords. Or they offer in-demand keywords at premium prices. But our customers are in a great position to secure their desired keywords on our shortcode. In fact, if you haven’t done so yet, you might want to check to see if the ones you want are available before someone else gets them. You can see how to do it in this article in our Support Centre.
We also made improvements on how you send SMS messages using NetMessenger, our web-based SMS service. Our new Advanced Send makes it easy to send to multiple lists, individuals, groups or any combination. The idea is you have all the options you need, right at your finger tips, which saves you time and frustration.
There were also a variety of smaller updates and improvements you can read about in our Support Centre. These included dashboard, profile and ordering updates, as well as security and alert settings. The latest updates are always listed on the left hand side of the Support Centre main page under “Recent News“.
The final update that went live in December is an oft requested feature: recurring billing. It’s always been our policy to be a pay-as-you-go provider. We didn’t want to lock people into contracts, or bill people unexpectedly. But our customers asked for it so we added an optional – note that it’s completely optional – way to automatically renew your products on a recurring basis. This certainly isn’t for everyone and it’s turned off by default. But for those of you who’ve asked, you’re now good to go.
We’ve had a great time in 2015. But we’re already focused on what we’re doing to make 2016 awesome for our customers. I can’t wait to see what the next end-of-year blog will say!
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