Over the past several months we have worked hard to bring some big improvements to FastSMS. As part of our preparations for making this exciting upgrade available to customers (more news on this coming very soon!) we have scheduled the following maintenance window:
Start: Sun 7th July 23:00 BST
Finish: Mon 8th July 01:00 BST
Our team have worked diligently to plan the maintenance to minimise disruption to the FastSMS service. However, this essential work will require the platform to be taken offline for a period of time. During the maintenance window there will be an interruption to all FastSMS services lasting up to 2 hours.
As a result of this you will not be able to access your NetMessenger account during this offline period. Any outbound messages that you attempt to submit through an API (HTTP or XML) or through the Email-to-SMS service will not be processed. However, inbound messages will be queued and...