Growing Your Business with SMS Messaging

SMS marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools businesses can use to raise awareness of their product and service, directly communicating with their target audience. From the simple method of creation to the speed in which text messages can be sent out from your business, there are so many cost effective reasons to use SMS marketing campaigns to help grow your business. As with everything you invest time and money into, you’ll want to understand how SMS messaging can help you to grow your business so that you see the direct return on your investment. Below we’ve listed out some of the key ways SMS marketing can help you grow your business, and achieve your objectives.
Get personal
One of the biggest benefits of using SMS marketing to communicate with your customers is that your messages are all direct, effectively reaching the target audience you want to speak to. As you capture your customer’s details, you can get your relationship off on the right foot by asking for a couple of personal details which will help you tailor your messaging – to make it personal and relevant to the person you’re sending it to. With simple segmentation and auto-fill mail merges, you can send personalised text messages to every one of your customers.
This will help your customer feel they’re being spoken to as a person and by a person, increasing the way they feel valued by your business. Sending out blanket communication to your customers, on top of all the messages they already receive from brands and companies wanting their time, is a sure fire way to encourage people to delete your messages and turn off from your company. By personalising your customer text messages, you’ll begin to stand out from the other forms of mass communications your customer’s receive, giving them a more personalised experience of you and your brand. As your customers feel more considered by your brand, they will start to prefer purchasing from you over your competition.
Make it convenient
Text messaging can be used to help remind your customers about appointments, important notifications regarding any accounts they might have with your company, changes to information, or changes in terms in a convenient way. The easier you can make your customer’s lives, and the more time you can save them, the better your relationships will be. Your customers spend their money with you, so in return, they want to feel you’re working on their behalf, by providing additional service to the products they purchase from you.
By adding additional value to the transactional relationships you have with your customers, you’ll be encouraging them to give their repeat business to you, as they enjoy the extra value they get when buying from you. Sending alert or reminder text messages gives your customers the opportunity to reply to you easily if they want to cancel or rearrange an appointment. This offers you the opportunity to rebook any last minute vacant appointments, ensuring the downtime in your business is minimised. This increased efficiency gained from using SMS text messaging will help you to grow your business by decreasing the downtime and money lost through missed appointments.
Offer a benefit
One of the main benefits of using SMS text messaging in your business is that you can directly communicate with your intended audience, making it a highly cost effective and efficient way to grow your business. For your customers, they need to understand the benefit of giving away their personal details before they’re likely to feel comfortable to do so. By offering your customers exclusive benefits through text messaging, you’ll be incentivising them to sign up for communications through that channel. You’ll then be able to directly track and measure the number of people who open and action the information in your SMS text messaging. This will help you grow your business as you are able to monitor how cost effective your campaigns have been so that you can create and send a greater number of effective campaigns.
Improve your relationships
Text messaging can be used for a variety of marketing activity, from promotional campaigns to customer surveys. The greater number of activities you can use your SMS messaging for, the more your customers will become accustomed to communicating with you via the channel. You can use text messaging as a quick, convenient way of generating responses from your customers, to help you to make informed business decisions. For example, you could ask customers about their thoughts on a new service or product you’re intending to launch, you could react quickly to information that’s been published in the news about your company, or use your SMS text messaging as a method of generating customer feedback off an experience they’ve had with your company. In generating customer feedback, you can make improvements and changes to your business or service, which will help to satisfy your customers and grow your business.
Due to the simplicity of using text messaging to communicate with customers, you should use it as a two-way communication stream, encouraging customers to respond to your messages. By using an effective text messaging platform, you can also offer your customers the opportunity of sending texts into your business, to book appointments, which will help to improve your relationships as you offer customers a flexible service. Rather than bombarding customers who don’t wish to participate in surveys with long winded, or multiple texts, you can send a series of text messages only to those customers who respond, which will help to improve relations with customers who feel their opinions are valued and being listened to.
If you’re ready to start growing your business through SMS text messaging and want to ensure you have a cost effective solution which allows you to communicate directly with your customers, improve your relationships and generate more business, contact FastSMS today. With market leading awards under our belt, we are confident we can help your business to exceed your goals, connecting you more effectively with your customers than ever before. For more information, contact us today.
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