6 Ways Gyms Are Using SMS Marketing

Marketing for gyms and leisure centres is unlike marketing within many other industries. It’s not enough to simply gain a customer and expect to keep them indefinitely. It’s important to make every attempt to keep that customer dedicated and interested in achieving their fitness goals to avoid lapsed memberships and cancellations.
It’s in every gym’s best interest to have a loyal customer base that feels supported and encouraged to attend the gym regularly. Failure to do so can result in members who feel it is a waste of money to pay for a membership that they don’t use often enough. That’s where SMS marketing can make a big difference. But only when used properly of course.
SMS messaging is an often overlooked and under utilised discipline that marketers fail to take advantage of. However, unlike email, for example, SMS messages have on average a 98% open rate. Think about it, when was the last time you received an SMS that you didn’t open? Mobile marketing is an incredibly powerful and cost-effective way to reach your target audience or maintain communication with your current customer base.
Although there are many industries that could benefit from a solid SMS marketing strategy, gyms, in particular, can use it to one of the greatest effects. Mobile devices are already commonplace in the health and fitness industry, with many people using various applications to track and log their fitness goals. This alone makes SMS marketing the perfect tool for reaching out to customers as they already associate their phones with their health and well-being concerns.
Here are five ways that gyms can use SMS marketing to great effect:
1. To provide some much needed motivational support
Not all marketing efforts need to be aimed at selling a product. SMS marketing can be used to help motivate current customers and encourage them back into the gym. Gentle reminders of their fitness objectives can go a long way towards this. Your SMS campaign could intermittently send them helpful fitness tips and advice or motivational quotes. Combine your campaigns with the information you have on your customers to compose truly powerful, highly personalised marketing messages.
2. To provide personalised work plans and diets
SMS messaging can be used as a virtual personal trainer when combined with the information collected by the gym during an induction. For example, for your clients who have stated weight loss as their ultimate goal, you can tailor your advice and diet tips to suit. Send recipes for low-fat diets just before meal times and offer advice on how to burn more calories throughout the day. Not only will your customers love this personal touch, it will also help to keep them in the right frame of mind and most importantly, keep them coming to the gym.
3. To send alerts and drive footfall
Most gym goers prefer a quiet gym. There are many reasons for this. Some because they are self-conscious and others because they like to have free reign of the machines and equipment without the need to wait. Drum up extra footfall during quiet times by sending out SMS messages to alert gym goers that the gym is quiet and therefore would be the ideal time to head down and take advantage. You can also use this as a feature to drum up attendance at undersubscribed classes or to fill the spots from last minute drop outs.
4. Send out cancellation and reminder information
Few communication methods are as effective as the SMS message for sending out timely reminders and cancellation notices for classes. It’s easy to miss these kinds of messages via social media and not everybody checks their emails every single day. Avoid disappointed customers and forgetful no shows by sending out reminders to those booked onto classes and let your customers know about any unexpected changes to the schedule. It’s far more likely they’ll receive an SMS message.
5. To promote special offers and new products
Of course, you can also use SMS marketing to promote special offers to potential and existing customers. For the existing customers, it might be that you have special offers on supplements and gym clothing, for example. Remind them to pick up your best deals next time they’re in the gym. Potential or lapsed customers might appreciate knowing that you have special offers on memberships should they wish to join or rejoin. This can be a particularly powerful strategy at New Year or just before summer when people are most serious about getting into shape.
6. To inform members of new personal bests and gym records
Competition is an incredibly effective tool for gyms and leisure centres. Some of your members might be interested in opting in to receive alerts when other members set new records or personal bests within the gym. This can serve as the motivation they need to beat the record or work even harder on their own personal bests. Whether it’s weight based, speed based or even most the consecutive days spent in the gym, there are plenty of ways to use this tactic. Never underestimate competitiveness as a motivator!
There are plenty of other ways that gyms can utilise SMS marketing to maintain a loyal and motivated customer base whilst continually attracting new members and customers. Use your imagination and do some research into the kinds of things your members would find useful to help them achieve their goals. After all, customers often have the best ideas for your marketing plans! With SMS marketing you can begin to create more and more personalised campaigns based on the information provided freely by your members.
A busy gym is a happy gym, and with SMS marketing done properly, you will soon find that your gym is packed with loyal, engaged customers all working towards their fitness goals.
Interested in discussing your marketing objectives and how SMS messaging can help your business? Contact us today and one of our trained specialists will be happy to help. Call us on 0800 954 5305 or email helpdesk@fastsms.co.uk.
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