9 Football Phrases to Kick Start Your World Cup SMS Marketing Campaign

The 2018 Football World Cup officially starts tomorrow with the first match taking place between hosts Russia and fellow Group A contenders Saudi Arabia. With football being such a big part of British culture, now is a great time to put together a themed SMS Marketing campaign to make the most of the hype. So what footie phrases work best for SMS Marketing and how can you use them? Here are nine inspired ideas.
1. Stay on the ball
If you are running a campaign to encourage more customers to subscribe to your SMS Marketing list in order to receive updates, alerts or notifications and generally keep informed, then this is a great phrase to use. Why not try a message such as:
“Stay on the ball! Sign up to our SMS Marketing today and you’ll be the first to know about our latest offers, promotions and new lines…”
2. Get the ball rolling
If you are in the personal finance sector, then this is a great way to introduce an offer on loans or credit. From car purchases to home renovations and other projects, there is a real appeal in this phrase that anybody who has been held back by finances will instantly relate to. All it takes is something like:
“Still dreaming about that new car? Stop dreaming and get the balll rolling today with personal finance from Loans24! Text TODAY to 87007 to find out how much you might be able to borrow…”
In this example, a keyword/shortcode has been set up to help automate the system and make it even easier for customers to engage.
3. Know the score
With an increased interest in personal credit ratings, this is a phrase in
which the word play could be used to great effect by companies offering such a service.
“Know the score – sign up now and get your free, personal credit score in just three minutes…”
It is also equally relevant to any business that prides itself on honesty and transparency.
4. Hat Trick
We all know that three in a row is a hat trick, but have you thought of running a promotional offer around the concept? This particular phrase is ideal for any promotion in which customers can benefit from things that come in threes, such as a buy two get the third free, or save when you buy three. From confectionary to fashion, food and drink to tickets, with a little imagination the opportunities are endless. A pizza restaurant, for example, could use something like:
“It’s a hat trick! Order two pizzas from our match day menu and get a third absolutely free!”
A fashion retailer might run something similar, such as:
“It’s a hat trick! 3 for 2 on all of our men’s T-shirts from 14 June – 15 July…”
5. Game Plan
We all need a game plan, especially if we are on the hunt for a new job. What better phrase then for recruitment agencies or training providers to add a little football fun into the equation?
Recruitment agencies might want to try something such as:
“How’s your game plan? Register with Alpha Recruitment today and make that dream job a reality…”
A training provider, on the other hand, might use something like:
“Improve your game plan today – find your perfect training course with Excel Training Group…”
6. Move the goalposts
When it comes to contracts for services such as mobile phones and internet, if there’s one thing customers want more than anything else it is the peace of mind of knowing that nothing is going to change. So if you offer a guaranteed contract with no mid-term price increases, why not make sure your customers know that you’ll never move the goalposts. Try an SMS message such as:
“Tired of your current operator moving the goalposts? With our fixed term, guaranteed contract you’ll never be asked to pay more…”
7. Game Changer
Do you have an innovative and unique product or service that brings something completely new to the table? Then you should be shouting about it by SMS and making sure your customers know it’s a game changer!
8. Kick Off
This is a perfect phrase for retailers to launch their World Cup sales campaigns. Entice your customers with a message such as:
“We’re kicking off our World Cup season with an incredible 15% off all sportswear from Thursday June 14th…”
If you sell outdoor and garden equipment, then consider something like:
“Kick off your World Cup party with our incredible range of barbeques from just £39.99…”
9. In the Net
There’s plenty of word play to be had around the concept of getting something in the net – especially if you have some great deals or bargains for the world cup season. A simple approach might involve an SMS such as:
“Net yourself a bargain this summer with our unbeatable offers on home furnishings and decor…”
Ready to kick off your summer SMS Marketing campaign? Speak to the experts at Fastsms today and you can get the ball rolling within minutes! Call now on 0800 954 5305 and discover how our bulk SMS messaging solutions can help your business to succeed.