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News, tips & advice from FastSMS

Bulk SMS is the term used to describe the sending of a single text message to multiple users. It could be used to refer to a hundred messages or a million although we generally think in terms of bulk messaging referring to tens of thousands of messages at least. There can be some customisation of the message, a bit like a mail merge, where name and other personalised details can be blended into a standard message template.

Because of its nature bulk SMS is most used for mass marketing, sending out special offers, discount coupons or important news to an opted in SMS mailing list. It can also be used to send out alerts – bad weather, road closures, equipment failure and so forth. A key element is usually fast delivery and reliability of delivery. You want to be sure the information is received quickly rather than arriving after the event, or worse still, not at all.

SMS messaging is one of the most effective mobile marketing channels. The proof is in the data, of course. In this blog post, you’ll discover how many opt ins businesses get, and how quickly they get them once they give SMS messaging a go.


It seems that reports of the death of SMS have been greatly exaggerated. When once the text message seemed dead in the water thanks to the rise of the app, the SMS business is set to grow to $71.60 billion by 2021 whilst smartphone users are downloading fewer and fewer apps, and the life expectancy of an app on the average smartphone is now around 72 minutes.


Marketing is all about finding the balance between gaining a personal relationship with a client and communicating in a professional manner. SMS marketing is all about experimenting with that balance and has now become a highly popular form of marketing. Here are 9 reasons why SMS marketing actually does work.


New SMS providers are popping up all the time. Sometimes they make outrageous claims and offer inferior services called “economy” messaging. Read about one recent example, and why using economy routes will likely cost you more money in the long run.


Many marketers think they need to choose between email and SMS marketing. And depending on what you read, you’ll find one is “better” than the other. But that isn’t necessarily true. Learn how a united effort using both can increase your profits with only a little bit of effort.
