Your customers are likely thinking about food at certain times of the day, and at those times their phone is almost certainly within arms reach. Using SMS marketing you can time your messages perfectly because you know that the time you send them is the time they get read, usually within 2 minutes.
Discount codes, limited time sales, special exclusive pricing...
I’ve written about a lot of different uses for text messaging in our blog. But today I read an article about an organisation using it in a completely new way: Bully Text, a game, played via text message over the course of a day.
Whether you travel internationally for work or pleasure, exorbitant roaming data rates mean you’ll probably turn off your mobile while travelling. Or at least restrict when you use it. But what if you want to stay in touch and keep sending and receiving text messages with your family or mates? Web-based text messaging is the answer.
Coverage maps from mobile providers all tout the best mobile phone coverage. But even the best ones will have holes in their service if you look closely. It all really depends on geography and signal strength. In areas with hills and valleys, you could lose signal just by being on one side of the hill while the mobile tower is on the other.