There’s no shortage of organisations trying to help smokers quit. These include groups that use SMS as a means of supporting smokers while they try to quit. There’s quite a lot of evidence that text messaging can help people break bad habits, or make positive improvements in their lives. Here’s one example from George Washington University.
For decades, all kinds of emergency personnel relied on pagers to communicate with each other and their organisations. The system was created long before the days of mobile phones or even text messaging. But now things are changing, as we explain in this blog post.
We work with many recruiters who use our SMS messaging to communicate with their candidates. In today’s world, text messaging is one of the best ways to ensure you can reach people with information, especially when it’s time critical. But are recruiters using SMS in the correct way?
In a report released last week by Nielsen, it turns out people want more than just to see a lower number on the scale. In their study, 75% of people worldwide plan to lose weight by changing their diet. And another 72% plan to exercise – that’s where your health club and SMS comes in.
A2P SMS, or Application to Person SMS, messaging is when an application sends a person a text message just like you’d send a text to your mates. P2A SMS, or Person to Application SMS, messaging is when a person send texts to an application.