5 Reasons SMS Marketing Rocks for Bank Holiday Weekends [Infographic]
The early May bank holiday has been and gone, and the next three day weekend is just around the corner. For many businesses, SMS Marketing is a great way to cash in on this fantastic opportunity to boost sales – especially when the British like nothing more than to hit the road for a bank holiday getaway.
SMS Marketing allows you to reach your customers wherever they are, whenever it matters – even if they are away from their computers and don’t have access to wifi. Not only is SMS Marketing incredibly versatile, there’s no need to worry about whether or not your customers get to their email inbox in time or whether they’ve had a chance to see your advert online, in the local newspaper or on TV. What’s more, they’ll have your information close to hand whatever they happen to be doing – no matter how far from civilisation they might be. Check out our handy infographic to learn more.
Making the most of the bank holiday with SMS Marketing

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