Promotional Sales: A Business SMS Use Case
Creating an SMS club for your customers is a great way to alert them of upcoming sales and new product launches.
Take a look at this great video featuring ‘Dave the Shoe Guy’ who explains how he grew his U.S.A. based shoe business from $650,000 to $1.3 Million a year in sales.
The following are just some of the sectors already benefiting from using SMS text messaging for promotional sales: High St Retail, Online Retail, Consumer Products, Travel Agents
For more information on how you could be utilising SMS text messaging within your business call us on 0800 954 5305 or email
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8 Key Reasons SMS Marketing is So Effective
You might not have run an SMS marketing campaign yourself, but you are likely to have received some form of SMS communication from a business. Whether that's a commercial brand running a competition or a healthcare provider, such as your GP or dental practice, sending you an appointment reminder. If you have run an SMS marketing campaign before, you're likely to already be aware of the effectiveness of the platform for communicating with customers, but might need help justifying your use of SMS messaging to other people or departments in your business. Here, we've listed out the key reasons SMS marketing is so effective.