When you use SMS messaging for marketing, you have certain legal obligations to meet. One of those is obtaining permission to send direct marketing messages to the people on your list. While it’s true you can send messages to customers in the course of business with them, sending marketing messages needs to be done with care.
Everyone loves a good joke. Well, maybe not everyone since humour can be very situational. That’s what a company called Parklife Weekender, who run Manchester’s annual festival, discovered last week.
Is SMS marketing a viable strategy for SMEs to grow their businesses? A recent article by a US SMS provider suggests not but we debunk that view. Read how and why Fastsms can help small businesses can succeed with SMS marketing without breaking the bank.
Last week, in my Can you send anyone a text message? post I talked about the best practices of getting a documented opt in before sending a SMS marketing message. After that post went live, there was an announcement in the US that the large telecommunications company Sprint was fined for violating the US regulations against spam texting. Not being able to resist such a great example of what not to do, I decided to share some of the details of the Sprint case as well as a UK example to prove the point.
Can you send SMS messages to whoever you like whenever you like? If that's what you believe read this article which explains what restrictions apply to broadcast messaging, what is the best way to build a permission based SMS marketing list. Understand that and you can safely make a start.