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News, tips & advice from FastSMS

There is a very common misconception that SMS is all about selling and sales. To which there is no denying that selling through SMS can be very powerful, with its immense open rates of 98%, and it’s ability to be able to mass send out a campaign containing a URL link to a website or specific product, can yield fantastic results that no other channel can. However SMS is helping businesses in many more ways than just getting in those sales. Any and every business can use SMS to help grow and improve their business, depending on the sector or what their issue or problem is that needs to be solves, SMS can be the answer. Whether that be helping with internal communication or improving customer service, SMS really can do it all. Business SMS - Different ways to use SMS to help your business Improving your customer service Customer service is imperative to any...

There are thousands of hugely impressive success stories around how SMS has improved and helped businesses externally, increasing sales and improving customer experience. But SMS can not only help you externally in communicating with your customers, it can also help your business internally. With mobile workforces, home working and flexible part time staffing, staff and employee communication can be a little tricky, especially when your staff numbers are high and you need instant communication. This is exactly where SMS can help, effective, easy and instant, SMS is transforming internal business communications. How SMS can improve staff communication  Emergency updates Sometimes disasters strike, and certain things are left completely out of your hands, adverse weather conditions, electricity or internet issues are just a few things that might make your office unusable for staff.  A simple message to all your employees outlining the problem and letting them know about other arrangements or to work from home, easy,...

There are lots of different ways businesses are using SMS to further their business, and transactional SMS is just one of those ways - but what exactly is transactional SMS? Transactional SMS is a term that relates to SMS messages that are sent to customers after they have completed an action, they are often automatically sent in direct relation to that customer. With the automation of these messages, they are helping businesses with not only their workload, but also improving their customer experiences. Your workforce is then not having to be available 24/7 and carry out mundane updates/tasks, and your customers are getting personalised information delivered to them instantly.  In a world when the majority of customers are now wanting self-serve options, and demanding excellent customer service, we are seeing more and more transactional SMS messages being implemented and sent. Types of transactional SMS messages  SMS confirmations Communication is such an important part of any relationship,...

We ran a survey on our website recently to ask if businesses had reduced the number of marketing messages they send (email, SMS etc.) as a result of GDPR - and 42% of UK based respondents said yes, they had. A further 42.7% said they’d made no changes, and 15.4% said they were sending more messages.* What we’ve discovered when talking to business owners and marketers is that people don’t fully understand the regulation, and so are being very cautious. They’ve either reduced the frequency of their messages or reduced their mailing list. We’ve also seen occasions where this actually wasn’t necessary, and, in some cases, that the excessive caution was damaging their business interests. So, before we go into what you can do to re-build your mailing list, it’s worth revisiting a common misunderstanding about GDPR. There are 6 lawful bases which allow you to process personal data under GDPR, and only one...

In a world filled with competition, you need something that can differentiate you between your competitors, so you can continue to grow your business through retention while winning new business. To do this you need to appeal to your customers and give them exactly what they want. But what do customers want? Better prices? More services? How about just excellent customer service? Customer service can be the differentiator between success and failure. Delivering excellent customer service can enable your business to flourish, but what is excellent customer service? Customers want to feel special, important and valued. They don’t want to be treated as just another number, they want you to listen to their problems and questions and answer them professionally and quickly, in fact it’s their time that they value the most. The majority (66%) of adults feel that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with...