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appointment reminders Tag

News, tips & advice from FastSMS

SMS messaging can meet many different needs across a wide range of organisations. One of the most common uses though is reminding people of appointments.

If your business is based on selling your time, like a salon or a health practitioner, it is galling when a “no show” leaves you with an empty slot. you can’t sell that time again, it’s too late. You can try to get the client to pay anyway but that is bad for customer relations. If you are a hospital or vet it’s worse. Not only do you waste time but you also leave expensive equipment unused.

It is clearly shown that by collecting clients’ mobile numbers and using the automated tools in Fastsms to send them one or more reminders, especially the day before their appointment, you will dramatically reduce “no show” problems and avoid the associated wastage of time and resource.

People like SMS messaging. They really do. In a variety of surveys and studies, consumers continue to say they like it when companies use SMS to communicate with them. Let's look at some of the data that proves it to be true, and also how to make sure your company is using it correctly for customer support communications.


In my last blog I looked at five reasons you want to use SMS messaging in your business. In this blog we're looking at the same topic, just from the consumer's point of view. For example, how do you really know your customers want you to send them messages via SMS? Isn't email or a phone call good enough? Is it worth your time to learn how to use SMS messaging in your business?


Are you looking to grow your business? Get more customers? Have larger profits? Of course you are. Isn't every business looking to improve, grow and generate more sales? More and more businesses are realising how SMS messaging can help them do all those things. But it's nice to have some facts to back up what most people seem to assume is true.


Webinars have become a standard form of lead generation marketing. The numbers vary by study, but generally agree that over 60% of marketers use webinars. One thing that's true for all of them is: not everyone that registers will attend. On average about 40-50% of registrants will actually show up. How can SMS help?
