Notifications & Reminders: A Business SMS Use Case
Appointment reminders by SMS text message are a great way to reduce missed appointments for anything from medical appointments, to meetings and consultations. Subscribers receive a reminder a few hours before the scheduled event and can reply to confirm, reschedule or cancel.
For example a dental patient may receive the following 24 hours before their appointment “Reminder: You have a dental appointment tomorrow @ TIME. Reply ‘YES’ to confirm or ‘NO’ to cancel/reschedule.”
The message costs just a few pence to send and in most cases can be fully automated yet it has the potential to save both parties time and money.
The following are just some of the sectors already benefiting from using SMS text messaging to send notifications and reminders of appointment and events: Dentists, Doctors, Vets, Solicitors, Accountants, Consultants, Banks, Colleges/Universities, Hair & Beauty
Basically, anybody who regularly makes appointments with clients or customers and has experienced lost time or money due to someone simply forgetting the appointment or not bothering to inform you they can’t make it can benefit from SMS in this way. As well as reminding people of the time and place, studies have shown that people are much more likely to let you know if they don’t intend to show up to an appointment if you give them that opportunity rather than them having to make the effort themselves.
For more information on how you could be utilising SMS text messaging within your business call us on 0800 954 5305 or email
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