Mobile Marketing Campaign: Quiz / Competition
Running a quiz or competition is a great way to generate interest around a subject, as well as gain invaluable data. You can run a multi question quiz whereby entrants with all the correct answers are entered into a prize draw. You can then use the tombola tool to allocate prizes fairly.
Quiz Game Example: A film studio runs a 3-question quiz to generate public interest in a forthcoming release. All entrants who give the correct answers are entered into a draw to win tickets to the London premiere.
Another way is to run a competition with just the one question, this does not have to be related to the prize itself and therefore can generate accurate market research data as well as an opted in SMS mailing list.
Competition Example: A company is giving away tickets to see Madonna in concert. To win the tickets you must text in the keyword followed by your answer to the question (A, B or C) and your name. A winner will be selected at random from all the correct entries. They get valuable market research data and an opted in SMS mailing list.
Whatever your goal, you can rely on a Quiz or Competition campaign to generate results given the right promotion. For more information on this type of campaign give us a call on 0800 954 5305 or click here.
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