d most important tngz R d hardest 2 sA, cuz wrds diminish dem…
Although Stephen King’s view on Love doesn’t seem quite so eloquent in ‘text speak’ it’s not to say that SMS doesn’t have a major part to play in the day of Love these days…
Whether you look forward to, or try to ignore the day of St Valentine there is no denying that primarily it is an opportunity for businesses to capitalise on a niche market (loved up couples) and make some money.
It is widely recognised that last year, Valentine’s Day was the busiest day for SMS in the first quarter with well over 1 billion texts being sent. The average consumer will spend over £60 on the holiday – which opens the door for some highly targeted SMS Marketing.
Here are just some of the ways your business could be striking while it’s hot to drive customers through the door…
- A simple reminder: although important to some, it is not always a holiday that is at the front of everybody’s minds. A simple reminder to your busy customers can make the world of difference to both your business and the recipient. E.g. “There are still 10 tables for 2 available for Feb 14th @ Luciani’s – book now, call 020 XXXX XXX”
- Love is in the air: a mobile contest is quick to set up and easy to run, and Valentines Day does the hard bit for you – giving you a relevant theme and an appropriate prize. Already capitalised on by radio stations, it also works for shops, restaurants and events specialists – a great way to use viral marketing to gain new customers.
- It’s the thought that counts: who says cheap is bad, especially these days – although everyone says “it’s not about the money” to the person who is paying, it usually plays its part. By sending out a simple real time mobile coupon, redeemable at point of purchase you can sway your potential customers towards you without them even shopping around – everyone loves a bargain!
- It’s just what i wanted: there is a common theme to Valentines gifts, and that is that they are usually things that nobody really needs, and that’s fine – it’s about what they represent. But what if when someone bought something they didn’t need, that got something they possibly did – this is where the idea of a Free Gift can really work. Simply text your customers (assuming you know something about them) and let them know that when they buy a Valentines gift, you will give them something else for free.
- If music be the food of love: a specialised romantic promotion, correctly timed can get customers through your doors in droves. Discounts and specials on dining and entertainment is the perfect way to catch the attention of those who are unsure of how to spend the holiday.
If you’re looking to capitalise on the Love-fest using SMS – we can help.
Our Mobile Marketing Guide will show you just how simple it is to run your own effective campaign and see a genuine return on your investment.
For more information visit our site, email helpdesk@fastsms.co.uk or give us a call on 0800 954 5305.
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