School SMS Case Study: Rowlatts Hill Primary School
Schools have been using Fastsms to communicate with their staff, pupils and parents for many years now, and as the technology has developed so has the ways in which they use SMS Text Messaging within their institutions.
Rowlatts Hill Primary School provide primary education to children between 3 and 11 years of age to prepare them for Secondary School. When we caught up with Grant Penton from Rowlatts Hill we asked him a few questions about how Fastsms was helping them achieve their goals.
We learnt that our browser based messaging platform, NetMessenger, was their main tool for sending and receiving SMS Text Messages. Before this everything was done by either telephone or post – by switching to NetMessenger Rowlatts Hill are no doubt now saving time and money which can be much better spent elsewhere with the kids.
When we asked how FASTSMS had helped improve things at Rowlatts Hill we got the following response…
“We can now send bulk messages to groups of parents simultaneously and they can in turn reply as required.
The system works well for us as a time saver and thus saves us valuable time and resources. In schools money is very tight, therefore any saving we make can be better directed towards the children.“
Grant Penton
Rowlatts Hill Primary School
You can learn a lot more about how Rowlatts Hill and many other schools all over the UK are using FASTSMS to save money and improve the way they communicate with parents and staff by visiting our Case Studies section.
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