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News, tips & advice from FastSMS

The usage of SMS messaging by retailers, both online and bricks and mortar, is increasing dramatically as the advantages of fast, personal, compelling and low cost communication become apparent. SMS marketing can generate interest in prospective customers, increase the loyalty of existing customers and encourage repeat sales from both.

Operationally retailers can use SMS messaging to increase efficiency thereby both cutting costs and increasing satisfaction. Update customers with delivery information; encourage them to text you for stock availability or check for special offers. You will see below many examples of how SMS is becoming indispensable for retailers. If you haven’t yet implemented this please get in touch and we’ll get you started.

You’ve seen or heard about remarketing online. But did you know you can use SMS to remarket to visitors who abandon their cart in your ecommerce store? According to one study, using it can double your conversion rates. Check out the blog to see the details.


Uncertain economic times and an ever-extending holiday retail season is apparently making Brits less excited about the “usual” sales. But don’t worry, find out how SMS marketing can help you boost sales even in the face of retail fatigue.


Setting New Year's resolutions for your business can be risky since it feels like you're only really setting yourself up to fail. It's much better instead to try and focus on one achievable goal and do everything to succeed and improve in that area. With its meteoric rise to popularity and outstanding success in 2016, businesses should be using 2017's welcome reprise to integrate SMS marketing into their business development strategy.


Everyone knows the holiday season is a peak time for making sales and marketing. Predictions are that the UK will spend £73B in retail stores before the season is over. Find out three reasons you’ll want to use SMS marketing to get those shoppers into your store.
