NS-Mailer – cost effective email marketing from NetSecrets
Finding new ways of finding potential customers has never been more important. You need to target the right audience with the right message. Email has been a viable point of contact for some time now; however it has been overworked to the point where more things than not are considered SPAM. This means that in order to reach your audience you must first traverse the world of SPAM filters, and then you have to really get their attention – and keep it. How can this be done?
By taking a closer look at permission-based email marketing we can see that is an extraordinarily cost-effective and powerful tool – used correctly and one can see ROIs never before possible with traditional direct mail.
Now you may be asking yourself why I am telling you about email when I normally talk about SMS, well they have lots in common, but it is their differences that make them both so effective in certain scenarios. They are both communication tools for both individually and to the masses; however where anyone can sculpt an effective text message with NetMessenger and be sure it will get to the receiver, not everyone can be sure their email campaign is going to get to its destination and have the desired effect – not with normal email tools and clients anyway.
So what else does Email Marketing and SMS have in common – Well, they’re both available through the NetSecrets Group…
The team behind Fastsms is now able to offer you professional Email Marketing tools in the form of their newly crafted NS-Mailer system. Choose to work with NetSecrets on your email marketing and you will have access to the entire spectrum of internet services on offer as well as an unrivalled level of support from their team of advisors.
A Professional looking HTML email is essential to grab and hold interest, maximise response, and maintain your brand presence. With over 100 generic email templates to choose from you will find these quick and easy to create.
In order for a successful email marketing campaign you need to know your broadcast is reaching your target audience – this is dependent on the reputation and authenticity of the sender. By sending through the NS-Mailer system you will gain the credibility that we hold via proxy – giving you the highest possible delivery rate.
Detailed reporting is essential for you to know how your audience is responding to your message allowing you to increase your success – NS-Mailer offers multiple tracking and reporting methods for you to get the most out of future campaigns.
You will receive a level of support second to none from our dedicated campaign team as well as the opportunity to benefit from our copywriting service. Our experts will be on hand to advise you at every step and at every level – whether you are running a direct marketing promotion campaign or broadcasting monthly newsletters. We will aim to exalt the same high standards within your messages that we insist upon for our own.
To find out more about NS-Mailer and the other services available through NetSecrets, contact one of our experts on 0800 954 5305 or click here
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