Is your mobile strategy ready for 2015? Hint: SMS messaging should be a big part of it!
Are you focused on providing mobile moments, or are you still thinking of mobile as just another channel? According to Forrester, if you’re in the latter category, you’re about to fall behind.
Forrester’s predictions are in the report Predictions 2015: Most Brands Will Underinvest In Mobile. According to an article on the report on, Forrester has observed people’s behaviour when they are using mobile devices, and surveyed businesses about how they intend to pursue mobile initiatives in 2015.
A key takeaway from the report is that people are generally checking their mobile devices, smartphones mostly, very quickly –just glancing at them to get an update on various things. The article quotes Thomas Husson of Forrester as saying, “In 2015, we expect the gap to increase between brands who will see mobile as just another channel and the leaders who will invest in re-engineering their business to deliver mobile moments,” he said.
Those quick glances at their smartphone are mobile moments. Or to be exact, here is Forrester’s definition of a mobile moment: “A mobile moment is a point in time and space when someone pulls out a mobile device to get what he or she wants immediately, in context.”
And the companies that understand the shift will do really well in mobile in 2015, while the rest will struggle to engage their audience, convert mobile to sales, or stand out as a brand. What does Forrester recommend to be one of the companies that succeeds?
Well, there are a lot of steps companies should take including changing the mindset that mobile is just creating an app or mobile website. Companies should strive to create experiences for their customers as well as use a strategy to reach out to them quickly, such as using SMS messaging.
SMS messaging has proven to be a very effective form of quick, personal but non-intrusive (if done right) way to communicate with customers. And the data and recommendations from Forrester confirm it isn’t a fad, but becoming a necessary part of every company’s mobile strategy.
Is your company using SMS messaging yet? If not, please share with us in the comments what is holding you back.
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