Customer Complaints: A Business SMS Use Case
Anyone involved in business realises the importance of feedback on the service they provide their customers, and sometimes one lot of negative comments can make more of an impact on the way you approach things than one hundred bouts of praise. It is important therefore to provide means for customers to air their gripes, perhaps preferably for them confidentially. It’s a simple case of human nature that many people would rather give negative feedback anonymously as a face saving exercise. By displaying a feedback ‘Textline’ customers have the option to text in registering a complaint about a service or individual person without having to ring up and speak to a real person.
The following are just some of the sectors already benefiting from using SMS text messaging to receive anonymous complaints from their customers: SMEs, Educational Institutions, Housing Associations, Local Council
For more information on how you could be utilising SMS text messaging within your business call us on 0800 954 5305 or email
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