3 Reasons SMS Messaging is Good For The Environment
Many organisations are looking to operate in a more environmentally friendly way. This includes everything from their office supplies, materials used in creating their products, and also choosing suppliers and vendors that are also environmentally aware. This is not only good for the planet but is a great way of enhancing the image of your business.
SMS services are a great way for organisations to be socially conscious. Here are three reasons why:
- Sending SMS messages means using less paper. Think of all the appointment reminders, bank account updates, and adverts sent using traditional post. Reducing even just a portion of all those papers and letters could have a huge beneficial impact on the environment. Some estimates say 40% of all waste going into landfills is paper. If you can eliminate paper use by sending text messages instead, you significantly cut the amount of waste in the environment.
- Mobile devices use less energy than other electronic devices. According to Electric Power Research Institute, an iPhone 4 costs approximately 23 pence per year to charge. A desktop computer costs about £17.28 per year. The less electricity used to charge devices, the less fossil fuels are needed to generate the electricity. This means SMS messaging is more efficient, energy-wise, than sending emails or other electronic communications like faxes.
- Cloud-based messaging services use modern data centres. For example, our service runs in a data centre that has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard for reducing their carbon footprint year after year. The data centre is also powered by 100% certified renewable energy. The impact on the environment from our service running in a modern “green” data centre is much less than the average traditional ISP or telecommunications networks.
When it comes to the environment, every small change we make can add up to huge differences. If you’re looking to reduce your impact on the environment, why not give SMS messaging a try? Why not use the environmental benefits to encourage signups to your SMS messaging lists? If you’re already using it, maybe there are other ways you can put it to work for you. If you need help on how to get started, give us a call today and we’d be happy to talk with you.
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