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bulk sms Tag

News, tips & advice from FastSMS

Bulk SMS is the term used to describe the sending of a single text message to multiple users. It could be used to refer to a hundred messages or a million although we generally think in terms of bulk messaging referring to tens of thousands of messages at least. There can be some customisation of the message, a bit like a mail merge, where name and other personalised details can be blended into a standard message template.

Because of its nature bulk SMS is most used for mass marketing, sending out special offers, discount coupons or important news to an opted in SMS mailing list. It can also be used to send out alerts – bad weather, road closures, equipment failure and so forth. A key element is usually fast delivery and reliability of delivery. You want to be sure the information is received quickly rather than arriving after the event, or worse still, not at all.

You worked hard to get those customers on your SMS marketing list. But now they are unsubscribing like crazy, or maybe just no longer responding to your messages. What happened? Maybe you’ve committed one of the following common, but easy to fix, errors that can completely drive your customers away.


Like Google, you may think a SIM farm is an old video game (go ahead, Google it!). But when it comes to SMS messaging, a SIM farm is nothing like a fun and harmless video game. SIM in this context is referring to a subscriber identity module, or SIM card in a mobile device. Every mobile on a GSM network uses one. It contains information about the owner and mobile including number, contact lists, network authorisation.

The other day I received a text message promising me ten days of deals. All I had to do was reply “DEALS” to the shortcode each day and they would send me a coupon for their service. This was great I thought, because my kids had been asking about the company for a while. A deal was just what I needed to get me to let my kids have their way...