Mobile Marketing 5 times more effective than online, study says.
A recent study by digital marketing research firm InsightExpress has concluded that mobile ad campaign norms were four-and-a-half to five times more effective than online norms.
“The Mobile InsightNorms study measured unaided awareness, aided awareness, ad awareness, message association, brand favorability and purchase intent. The study included a comparison of mobile media types and verticals to the effect of online advertising, and these findings continue to show the power of mobile as an advertising channel.” (Dan Butcher, Mobile Marketer)
To read the full article at Mobile Marketer follow this link. (This will take you away from the FASTSMS Blog)
The study has reinforced the power of SMS as a marketing tool highlighting its effectiveness at increasing upper level purchase funnel metrics such as awareness measures.
“SMS campaigns generated increases of 5 percentage points for unaided awareness, 10 percentage points for aided awareness and 18 percentage points for ad awareness.”
Findings such as these really do support the notion that mobile, particularly SMS, will be around for a long time to come and that businesses looking to capitalise on all the marketing channels available to them should get a handle on it sooner rather than later or risk being left behind at the curve.
To find out more, our Mobile Marketing Guide is a good place to start.
If you would like a free consultation on how you could be using SMS within your business call us on 0800 954 5305, email or grab us on live chat.
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