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News, tips & advice from FastSMS

Fastsms SMS messaging solutions are aimed primarily at business users and their communications needs. However nothing disqualifies personal users from using Fastsms for their texting needs. You can send and receive texts, at low cost, wherever you may be as long as you have an internet connection, so can be very handy when overseas or out of range.

All solutions are free irrespective of usage level. Message credits can be bought in bundles as low as 100 credits which, at the time of writing, costs just £3.50p + VAT. Inbound messages can come through a Virtual Mobile Number which costs just £99 + VAT per annum, or you can direct inbound messages to your mobile phone if you prefer.

I think for much of the last decade, people used the Internet and then mobile devices, without giving too much thought about what they were doing. Or more accurately, what other people were doing with their information. But then came Edward Snowden in 2013 who revealed governments were collecting and using our personal data in ways we hadn’t imagined.


In one of my blogs last week, I talked about a marketing study by Vibes and what it said about SMS marketing. This week I wanted to take another look at it from the perspective of the mobile wallet industry, also covered in the report. It turns out there is a strong case for integrating your SMS marketing with mobile wallets. Let’s take a look.


SMS marketing is very different to most other more traditional marketing tools, specifically because of its short-form, text only nature. This certainly shouldn't put you off though. We have put together our guide to both the best things about SMS marketing and some of the potential problems, and how to work around them.


Mobile marketing offers an unprecedented access to your customers virtually any time, anywhere. This is particularly true for SMS marketing because it is “always on”. Customers don’t have to be surfing the web, or using an app to receive messages. Instead, they see the marketing messages right alongside ones from their friends and family.


I came across an interesting article regarding the A2P market. It’s entitled “Growing Employment Rate to Benefit BFSI A2P SMS Market in Switzerland.” The contents summarise a new report from Transparency Market Research about the A2P market in Switzerland, specifically how it relates to BFSI or Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI). You might be thinking that sounds boring rather than interesting, but what drew my attention was the relationship of employment to A2P SMS messaging.
