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News, tips & advice from FastSMS

In this new A-Z of SMS Marketing, we explore every aspect of this highly effective and low cost marketing solution. In this infographic we look at the letter A, which stands for API Integration. One of the key features of the Fastsms system is the seamless, out of the box integration it offers with industry leading CRM platforms including WHMCS, SMI, APIANT, Rba, AdaptUX, Itris and Zapier. Take a look at this infographic to learn more.  ...

It may be up against competition from web-based instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Messenger, but all the indications are that SMS is just as important as ever and is likely to remain a highly important channel for many more years to come. So why should you choose SMS Marketing to promote your business in 2018? In this infographic, we've shared 5 good reasons that you can take in at a glance.

As Christmas rushes ever closer, it's time for retailers to pull out the stops and do all they can to ensure the best possible sales at this all important time of year. When it comes to last minute marketing, SMS Marketing is a cost effective and low cost solution that far outperforms any comparable channels. So how can retailers use SMS Marketing to give their Christmas sales a final boost? Here are 7 tried and tested tips, presented in a useful infographic.

Christmas is an exciting and wonderful time and the busiest time of the year for many of Britain's businesses. A great way to capture the heart of customers and ensure that your SMS Marketing campaign is as successful as possible is to capture the magic of the season with some carefully chosen winter phrases.

Christmas is a great time to take advantage of the incredible power of SMS Marketing - an effective and low cost marketing solution that offers high ROI. So what are the secrets to a successful Christmas SMS Marketing campaign? We've presented some top tips from our team of experts in this festive inforgraphic.