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SMS Marketing Blog

News, tips & advice from FastSMS

More and more recruiters and marketers are now realising the powerful impact SMS marketing can have. Fast, direct, discreet, and accessible to a candidate even when they might not be able to talk on the phone, they are still able to check their phone for text messages.


Is SMS messaging a good investment of your business’ time and money? A report from Mobile Ecosystem Forum shares some data on how SMS is being used, who is using it, and provides some evidence showing the answer to that question is most likely “Yes”!


Do people really like getting SMS messages? Is it true they’re using Apps like WhatsApp instead? A recently published survey reveals those answers, and a few more. Find out the details on how SMS messaging is used and viewed in the UK in this blog.


In marketing, everyone wants to be more influential and persuasive in order to build loyalty and return custom. To gain the highest ROI, businesses want their marketing campaigns to speak to every individual in such a way that makes them feel connected and yet, with every will in the world, an SMS marketing campaign is only going to achieve this high conversion and success if it manages to tap into consumer psychology.


SMS marketing can be a double-edged sword, which is why it's crucial to ensure that each one of your campaigns is well thought out, immaculately spelt, financially accurate (i.e., the prices listed are correct), and, perhaps most importantly, the time and date is 100% accurate. Only once you have triple-checked each one of the components should you then consider sending out a batch.
