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SMS Marketing Blog

News, tips & advice from FastSMS

There can be no one involved in business today - from production to marketing - who would defend one isolated strategy for reaching target markets and effectively engaging with them. In an increasingly individualistic and atomized society, today's consumers discover and engage with brands through a wide variety of mediums and connectors.


Almost any business, or even a not-for-profit company, can take advantage of the frenzy of sporting events, like The Olympics. Especially when you combine it with mobile marketing. That’s because there are plenty of fans, and their devices, here in the UK.


Let’s get the obvious out of the way. B2B marketing really is business to one person. It’s just that one person is playing a role in the buying process, rather than making their own purchasing decisions. But you already know that if you’re in B2B sales or marketing. What you may not know, is how willing those various people are to use their own mobile for business.


If there’s one thing most of us can agree on, it’s that our economic future is uncertain. The world economy reacted to the Brexit vote with unstable and falling stock markets. And no one knows exactly what the Leave vote means for the UK. But there are other uncertainties too. How can SMS help your business in these uncertain times, not just now but in the future.


A few weeks ago, Facebook executive Mendelsohn stated that in five years she expects the social network “will probably be all video”. Nicola Mendelsohn is the vice president of European, Middle Eastern and African operations for the company. She has an extensive resume going all the way back to 1992. There’s no denying she likely knows what she’s talking about. But while you can’t deny the impact of video on Facebook and the Internet in general, is her prediction implying the actual death of text?
