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SMS Marketing Blog

News, tips & advice from FastSMS

In the 21st century, it’s easy to lose track of all the technology needed to make you the biggest profit and improve your reputation. With our simple SMS services, you can drag your business into the modern age with relative ease, reducing missed appointments and increasing your bottom line.


It’s now scientific fact. SMS messaging in schools can help improve maths scores and increase attendance. We know because of a yearlong study of thousands of secondary students across the UK. The key is increasing parent involvement. Learn how it was done, and how to use it in your school.


Are startups afraid of using SMS marketing? Is it because they’re afraid of annoying customers and breaking the regulations? I don’t think so. If your startup isn’t using SMS marketing already, it’s probably because you don’t know all the facts. Find out why SMS is actually perfect for startups.


While brevity might be one of the keys to good advertising, perhaps the most important is to make sure your message reaches the right people. The goal of targeted marketing is not to bombard so many people that some will inevitably listen, but rather to target and nail down your core demographic.
