Deliver a better booking experience
Few businesses rely on repeat customers more than taxi & private hire firms; if your fares have a bad experience or you’re seen to be unreliable it’s likely they’ll try using a competitor next time they need a ride and may never come back.
Equally, every time a customer doesn’t show up at a meeting point; whether they were late or couldn’t find the driver, you lose that time which could have been spent servicing another client.
If you’re an internationally recognised powerhouse of a firm then most of these problems are solved with a simple app; a simple app that costs massive amounts to build and maintain. So if you’re a small local firm, how do you compete?
Used creatively, SMS too can solve many of these problems without any development or maintenance costs. All it costs is a couple of pence per message sent, and if you find it doesn’t strengthen your brand and retain more customers you can walk away having spent very little.