6 reasons your business SMS is not working
You have read all the wonderful reviews about how customers are getting very positive experiences from SMS, and how businesses are receiving huge benefits and responses from business SMS.
However, your SMS adventure has not quite lived up to your expectations, and not exactly gone to plan for you.
But why?
Well, we take a look at some of the reasons why your SMS could be missing the mark.
Not clearly stating who you are
Seems an obvious one, however sometimes this can be missed. Make sure you set your Sender ID to your business name so your customers immediately know who the message is from and there is automatically some trust in the message. Also if you are sending from a virtual mobile number and are looking for replies, make sure you state who you are in the body of the message.
Off the mark content
Is your message too long? Are you using text speak? Or long complicated words? Is your first line or couple of words engaging? Is there a real point and reason behind sending the message?
Make sure your message content will actually be useful and of interest to your customers.
Wrong Audience
Don’t treat every customer the same. Everyone is different, and your customers will have different interests, preferences and needs. For example, an IT consultant in Bristol is not going to want to receive a text message about a teaching job in London.
Segment your customer database into different groups, which will allow you to send more relevant content to your customers.
Link leads to a non mobile-friendly page
Customers do not like waiting for anything. They want everything immediately and instantly, they certainly don’t like to wait for a webpage to load, or for that webpage to be hard to read, navigate and not compatible to view on their mobile phone.
Complicated call to action
Keep it simple. Make sure your call to action on the message is clear and easy to complete. Include any links, email addresses or telephone numbers, don’t make customers search for them.
Sent at the wrong time
Stated who you are. Message content is good. The right recipients. Mobile friendly webpage. And a great call to action. However the message was sent at the wrong time.
Sending an appointment reminder 2 months before the appointment is no good. Think about the timing of the message, think about the content of your message and what time would suit the message and your customers.
Business SMS can achieve amazing results for all types of businesses, whether they are big or small and it works across all sectors. If you would like to discuss how SMS can help your business then please get in touch today, or sign up for your free account today.